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Notice of Privacy

Markus tecno logics, located in Bajada del Club # 28, Co. Reforma, Cuernavaca, Morelos, MX. is responsible for the processing of your personal data.


Your personal data will be used  for identification purposes in any type of legal or business relationship that you carry out with us, including (i) the sale and acquisition of the products or services offered; (ii) send you the products purchased; (iii) send you our catalog of promotions, products and services; (iv) invite you to participate in events, contests, and sweepstakes; and (v) for marketing and commercial prospecting purposes. For the above purposes, we may require your name, address, telephone, email, RFC, date and place of birth, sex, nationality, age, credit and patrimonial information.


For the purposes indicated in this notice, we may collect your personal data in different ways: when you provide it to us directly, either in a personal interview, by phone or electronically (email); when you visit our website, social networks or use our online services, and when we obtain information through other sources that are permitted by law. The personal data that we can collect by the aforementioned means are: full name, address, telephone, cell phone, email, RFC, age and sex. We promise not to transfer your personal information to third parties without your consent, except for the exceptions provided in article 37 of the LFPDP, as well as to carry out this transfer in the terms established by this law.


We inform you that in order to fulfill the purposes set forth in this privacy notice, sensitive personal data will be collected and processed, such as those that refer to banking information. We promise that they will be treated under the strictest security measures that guarantee their confidentiality.


You have the right to access your personal data that we have and the details of their treatment, as well as to rectify them if they are inaccurate or incomplete; cancel them when you consider that they are not required for any of the purposes indicated in this privacy notice, are being used for non-consensual purposes or the contractual or service relationship has ended, or, oppose their treatment for specific purposes. At any time, you may revoke the consent you have given us for the processing of your personal data, so that we stop using them. For more information on the use of your ARCO or revocation rights, you can contact us through our phone: (777) 313 3918 or by email:


Your personal data may be transferred and processed within and outside the country, by people other than this company. We undertake not to transfer your personal information to third parties without your consent, except for the exceptions provided in article 37 of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, as well as to carry out this transfer in the terms established by this law. . If you do not express your opposition for your personal data to be transferred, it will be understood that you have given your consent to do so. By virtue of the fact that we will transfer sensitive personal data, we require your express consent, in accordance with what is established in article 9 of the Law in appointment.


Use of Cookies and Web Beacons.


Cookies are text files that are automatically downloaded and stored on the hard drive of the user's computer equipment when browsing a specific Internet page, which allow the Internet server to remember some information about this user, including their preferences for the visualization of the pages in that server, name and password. For their part, web beacons are images inserted into an internet page or email, which can be used to monitor the behavior of a visitor such as storing information about the user's IP address, duration of interaction time on said page and the type of browser used, among others. We inform you that we use cookies and web beacons to obtain personal information from you, such as the following:


Your type of browser and operating system, the internet pages you visit, the links you follow, the IP address, the site you visited before entering ours. These cookies and other technologies can be disabled.


We reserve the right to make modifications or updates to this privacy notice at any time, in order to attend to new legislation, internal policies or new requirements for the provision or offering of our services or products.


These modifications will be available to the public through the following means:


  • on our website  [privacy notice section]; or

  • We will send them to the last email you have provided.


If you consider that your right to protection of personal data has been harmed by any conduct of our employees or our actions or responses, you presume that in the processing of your personal data there is a violation of the provisions set forth in the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Individuals, you may file the corresponding complaint or complaint with the IFAI, for more information visit

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